Baptism is an outward picture of an inward work.
Baptism is the perfect illustration of what Christ has done for all sinners through His death, burial and resurrection. It is not an act resulting in salvation, but rather one of appreciation to God for His saving grace. As believers, it is our public profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Why should I be baptized?
We are encouraged to be baptized by the example of Christ. Jesus began his public ministry with baptism. Throughout the New Testament, baptism was the first response for believers. In Romans 6:4-5, the Scripture declares the importance of baptism for every believer. Thus, our motive in baptism is obedience to Christ.
How can I experience believer’s baptism?
Now that you have trusted Christ as your savior, baptism is the next step of Christian obedience. It is the first public step in identification with Christ. If you would like to go public with your faith, click below.